Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Issue Of Capital Punishment - 1180 Words

Rough Draft Essay Gaven D. Crosby Pennsylvania College of Technology In this paper, I will write on the topic of capital punishment, more specifically what to do if someone has been wrongfully executed. I will speak about what circumstances I feel should warrant a case be reopened and how to make it right, if it is determined that someone has been wrongfully put to death for a crime they did not commit. I will also discuss reparations for the families of the wrongfully executed. I will also discuss who I feel should be handling these types of cases. Have you ever heard about someone being wrongfully executed? You probably haven’t. It doesn’t happen often and if it does, it is usually not highly publicized. There have†¦show more content†¦Some examples of wrongful execution cases are Leo Jones, Timothy Evans, Claude Jones, Larry Griffin, David Spence, and these are just a few. All of these people were put to death because of either hastiness, lack of technology, lack of will to find the truth, corruption and politics, or general human error. While only the defendant was killed in these cases, it hurt many others. The parents of the convicted, the spouses of the convicted, the children of the convicted, the friends of the convicted and in all the reputation of the family of the convicted. This is why we need to ensure that we have 100% accuracy and know all of the facts before putting someone to death. While I do feel that we need to put a lot of effort into ensuring accuracy prior to death, I do not feel as though the same amount should be applied to cases after execution. I believe that if we make sure we are convicting the right person before we execute them, then we shouldn’t have to put as much effort into re-opening cases of the executed. I do however feel that there are certain cases that warrant a case be re-opened. I feel that cases where there is a suspicion that the wrong person was executed, should be opened. To elaborate on that if police are ever unsure that the correct person was executed, there case needs to be re-opened. This can include cases where new evidence is discovered; cases where

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